FDC Group How To Save Money On A Farm Insurance - FDC Group
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FDC Group How To Save Money On A Farm Insurance

Saving big on your farm insurance ‘takes some of the pressure off’

Shane Fitzgerald is a Zurich customer with a 90ha dairy farm in Co. Waterford with 250 cattle. Shane operates a low-risk dairy farm in partnership with his father John and mother Bernadette.

Saving big on your farm insurance ‘takes some of the pressure off’

Shane is a great example of someone who trusted the advice from his FDC financial advisor, and this helped him make a saving with Zurich when he switched. This shows the importance of working closely with your financial planner to get the best deals on offer for you.

After renewing his existing farm insurance policy for many years, Shane wanted to shop around for the best deal while still maintaining a similar level of cover for his farm.

He was referred to Zurich Farm Insurance through its partnership with FDC Group, and as an FDC client, Shane availed of additional benefits.

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