Risk Management Professional (RMP®) Certification - FDC Group
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Risk Management Professional (RMP®) Certification

Objective: The Project Management Institute (PMI®) recognises the importance and special qualifications needed to be a project risk management professional. The PMI-RMP® credential will substantiate the applicant’s knowledge, skills and experience in this area, and this PMI-RMP® preparation course will help in preparing to take and pass the RMP® certification exam.

Audience: Individuals who spend a majority of their time managing project risk for a project management plan should consider applying for this specialty credential, as well as sign up for our RMP® training program to help get the instruction needed to become a PMI-RMP® professional.

Format: Lecture based with 2 hours of sample exam questions

Benefits: This course will be of benefit to learners who identify the importance of the RMP® certification in the workplace. The course will highlight the working of the PMBOK® Guide and PMI’s Risk Management Standard

Learning Objectives: After completing this course, you will know how to:

  • understand the RMP® exam process (i.e. application procedure to taking the exam)
  • review the six processes of project risk management and their relation with other project management knowledge areas.
  • Understand the governance and structures behind risk management
  • be able to distinguish between risk and issue management and how to do it.
  • analysis of the tools and techniques to identify risk
  • understand the qualitative approach to risk analysis
  • review of simulation tools and techniques such as Monte Carlo, PERT, Tornado Diagrams
  • understand how to monitor and communicate project risk on a timely basis
  • focus on risk monitoring and control
  • understand the communication principles behind risk and issues management
  • be able to manage stakeholder involvement with risk

Course Content – The following areas will be covered:

Module 1: - Risk Management Overview
  • Risk Management Process
  • Project Uncertainties
  • Risks, Threats, and Opportunities
  • Plan Risk Management Attitudes and Process
  • Identify Risks Process
  • Qualitative Risk Analysis
  • Types of Risk
  • Module 1 Sample Questions
Module 2: - Before Beginning Risk Management
  • Inputs to Risk Management
  • Project Management Process
  • Project Charter and Background Information
  • Outputs from Project Planning
  • The Work Breakdown Structure
  • Communication Management Plan
  • Module 2 Sample Questions
Module 3: - Plan Risk Management
  • Risk Team
  • Risk Methodology
  • Budget and Timing
  • Definitions of Probability and Impact
  • Report Formats and Tracking
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Module 3 Sample Questions
Module 4: - Identify Risks
  • Process of Identifying Risks
  • Cause-Risk-Effect Format
  • Checklists
  • Brainstorming
  • Expert Interview
  • SWOT Technique
  • Module 4 Sample Questions
Module 5: - Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
  • Qualitative Risk Analysis Process
  • Tools and Techniques for Qualitative Risk Analysis
  • Motivational and Cognitive Bias
  • Risk Rating, Ranking, and Score
  • Module 5 Sample Questions
Module 6: - Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
  • What is Qualitative Risk?
  • Methods to Quantitatively Assess Probability and Impact
  • Monte Carlo Simulation
  • Proving Likelihood of Project Completion
  • Prioritising Risk Analysis
  • Module 6 Sample Questions
Module 7: - Plan Risk Responses
  • Methods for Reducing Overall Risk by Identifying Threats and Opportunities
  • Responding to Negative Risk
  • Planned Positive Risk Response
  • Risk Response Plan
  • Review Strategies
  • Module 7 Sample Questions
Module 8: - Monitor and Control Risks
  • Methods for Monitoring and Measuring
  • Taking Corrective Action
  • Evaluating Effectiveness
  • Issue Tracking
  • Module 8 Sample Questions


  • Sample Exams are given after each topic
  • PMP, CAPM, RMP, ACP, PBA, PgMP are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
  • The PMI Registered Education Provider logo is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

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